Dental Emergencies

Call Center : (604) 544 0404 

Have you chipped your tooth while playing a sport !?  Or have been ignoring a wisdom tooth bothering you for awhile ! You have an acute tooth infection or chipped your tooth biting on your sandwich ! You had a restoration which is bothering or lost your temporary restoration and your dentist is not intown !


We are here to help and put your life at ease!  


Give us a call to accommodate you immediately to one of our locations in Coquitlam or Vancouver.


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   Three Office Locations To Serve You!

Vancouver Office
3185 Main Street
Vancouver BC V5T 3G8
Phone: (604) 675-9559

Downtown Vancouver Office
898 Beach Avenue
Vancouver BC V6Z 2R1
Phone: (604) 559-4321

Coquitlam Office
1001 Brunette Avenue
Coquitlam BC V3K 6Z5
Phone: (604) 524-9234


Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.